JustVector Social Icons 1.5
These 150 monochrome social icons are designed with simplicity in mind. Provided in vector format, they are fully editable and scale to any size smoothly. They are completely free, even for commercial use, redistribution or remixing (see License).
The original artwork in vector format is provided in .AI (CS3+) and .EPS (editable in Adobe Illustrator, Freehand, CorelDRAW and Inkscape) files. Also provided are individual files for each icon, in .PNG and .SVG format. The .PNG icons are 32px x 32px PNG-32s, black on a transparent background. The .SVG icons are 100px x 100px, with a black fill color.
License Info
The icons are distributed under the Free Art License, and as such can be copied, distributed, transformed and used as you please. If you enjoy the icons, a link back to this page would certainly be appreciated.
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Web Font
Thanks to some great work by Sergio Díaz the set is now available as a web font. With a little @font-face magic, you can have social icons to resize, recolour and generally abuse. Go grab the kit here: http://martianwabbit.com/2014/09/15/just-vector-social-font-1-5.html or see the demo here.
Version History
1.5 (11 Apr 2010)
- Added (50): AIM (alt), Arto, Baidu, Basecamp, Bnter, Brightkite, Cinch, CloudApp, Creative Commons, Dailybooth, Diigo, Dropbox, DZone, Etsy, Facto.me, Folkd, Goodreads, Hacker News, hi5, Identi.ca, Instapaper, Kik, Krop, LiveJournal, Mister Wng, Mixx (alt), MSN Messenger, Ning, Official.fm, Orkut, Pandora, Path, Pinboard, Ping, PingChat, Plixi, Plurk, Quora, Readernaut, Robo.to, Simplenote, Squarespace, threewords.me, tribe.net, TripIt, WhatsApp, Wists, Yahoo! Messenger, ZooTool, Zynga.
- Fixed (3): Picasa, Qik, Zerply.
- Other: Moved all icons onto one artboard. Updated .ai and .eps to improve compatability (CS3+, instead of CS5).
1.0 (17 Mar 2010)
- Download 1.0 (.zip)
- Added (100): AIM, Amazon, App Store, Apple, AWS, Bebo, Behance, Bing, Blip, Blogger, Coroflot, Delicious, DesignBump, DesignFloat, Designmoo, deviantART, Digg (x2), Dribbble, Drupal, eBay, Ember, Evernote, Facebook (x2), Facebook Places, Feedburner, Flickr, Formspring, Forrst, foursquare, FriendFeed, Friendster, gdgt, Github (x2), Google, Google Buzz, Google Talk, Gowalla (x2), Grooveshark, Hyves, Hype Machine, ICQ, iTunes, last.fm, LinkedIn (x2), LoveDsgn, Meetup, Metacafe, Mixx, MobileMe, Myspace (x2), Newsvine, OpenID, PayPal, Photobucket, Picassa, Playstation, Podcasting, Posterous, Qik, Rdio, Reddit, Retweet, RSS, Scribd, ShareThis, Skype, Slashdot, Slideshare, SmugMug, SoundCloud, Spotify, Squidoo, Steam, StumbleUpon, Technorati, Tumblr, Twitter (x2), vCard, Viddler, Virb, Vimeo, W3, Wikipedia, Windows, Wordpress (x2), Xing, Yahoo!, Yahoo! Buzz, Yelp, YouTube (x2) & Zerply.